15 Products to Help You Stay Calm During the Holiday Season

This season is all fun and games…
…until you have your umpteenth panic attack because you’ve over scheduled your calendar, have 5 holiday parties in 2 nights, nothing to wear, 20 gifts to buy, a tree to decorate, cookies to bake and 11 holiday movies to watch (Yes, you HAVE to watch them because duh! What is the holidays without holiday movies?!), and a partridge and a pear tree (ok, breathe).
In other words, if there’s one thing we’ve established during “Calm Week”, it’s that we need all the help we can get to stay calm. Whether it’s through different hobbies, saying “no” to various activities, practicing yoga, or incorporating certain products into our routine, we need allllll the things. Below, I’m sharing some of my favorite products to help keep you calm this holiday season. Bonus- they’d all make great gift options for the homebody, healthy junkie, or wellness warrior in your life.
CBD Oil // There’s enough articles out there to tell you just how calming CBD oil is, so I’ll spare you details and keep from adding to the noise. But I did add it to this list, because, well, it works. Whether you eat it in a sweet treat, drink it in hot chocolate, or simply have it as is, it’s a great way to stay calm and balanced this season.
Candles // Try to light a candle and NOT feel instantly calmer. I dare you.
Bath Salts / Bubble Bath // Re: Candles. Same.
Calm App // This has been a game changer for me this year. It’s a calming way to start my day, and the emergency calm programs have helped so much for the times my anxiety has threatened to spiral out of control.
Gratitude Journal // Pausing to take stock of all the things you have to be grateful for is such a calming exercise. It’s hard to feel anxious when you’re reminded of just how lucky you are.
Chamomile Essential Oil // I was never a fan of chamomile tea, but someone recently recommended chamomile essential oil and I’ve been hooked ever since. It tastes amazing in water (I just use one drop in 8 ounces of water) and I feel like it has similar effects as CBD oil in helping me to stay calm, fight anxiety and sleep better.
Lavender Oil // You can never go wrong with lavender essential oil when it comes to creating a calming space, especially for better sleeping. Place a few drops on your pillow, or use a diffuser.
A Diffuser // I feel like no explanation is necessary, but, if you want to make the most out of your essential oils, get yourself a diffuser. It will make such a difference in creating a calming environment.
Room Spray // If a diffuser is out of your budget, or you don’t want to add another thing to your bedside table, you can get almost the same effects with a room spray. There are lots of calming options on the market, but it also takes 5 minutes to whip up your own room spray for mere pennies.
A Jade Roller // Perfect to help calm, oooh and de-puff your skin
Sheet Masks // I love a good sheet mask sitch for many reasons, one of the primary ones being that it requires me to lie down and close my eyes for at least 20 minutes aka just enough time to re-set, re-center and calm my nerves, all while getting better skin.
Tea // Nothing soothes and calms like a good hot beverage; you can find relaxing or calming tea blends easily, but a few key ingredients to be on the look out for include chamomile (better sleep), peppermint (soothing) and kava (for muscle relaxation).
Comfy Pajamas // Slipping into a set of comfy and cozy pajamas is a recipe for instant and optimal relaxation.
A Cozy Blanket // Something about cuddling up under a cozy blanket just has such a calming effect. Bonus coming points for a homemade one.
A Facial Steamer // While the obvious use of this machine is to steam your face, a side benefit is the relaxing, calming and spa-like effect it has on you. Not only is the hot steam soothing, you also have to spend at least 10-15 minutes over the steam, with your eyes closed, which forces you to slow down and calm down.