It’s not summer unless you’ve got a glass of frozé in your hand, am I right or am I right?!
It’s easy to see why this is such a popular drink this time of year. It’s cool, crisp, refreshing and basically tastes like a slurpee (and goes down just about as easily as one, too). I frequently ordered frozé while I was out, but it wasn’t until recently that I discovered just how easy it easy to make at home. Annnnnnd now I can’t be stopped. #cantstopwontstop I also realized just how much fruit goes into making frozé, sooooo basically frozé = smoothie = health = I can have one every day?!? I say “Yes way frozé!”.
All joking aside, make sure you hop on over to Sugar & Cloth because you will not want to miss this seriously easy 4 ingredient cherry watermelon frozé recipe. Cheers!