6 Ways to Repair Summer Skin + Hair

Summer's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. That somebody being your skin and hair, and the hurt being a dry, damaged hot mess express that barrels on through taking the life right out of said skin and hair. Naturally, after a summer of fun and sun, it's time for some fall mending and regenerating. Here are 6 ways to do so:
Scrub It Off || The one of the most important things to do is to get rid of all that dry, dead skin. Use a scrub (this one has vitamin C which will also help get rid of dark spots) or a body brush to slough dead skin of your body or better yet, mix used coffee grounds with a splash of oil and a little brown sugar and use that. Bonus- you're being green by using something that would normally just get tossed AND the coffee grounds are rumored to help rid you of your cellulite. For your face, use a gentler scrub (bonus points if it has vitamin C) or a clarisonic. And don't forget to exfoliate your scalp. I know....sounds weird, but trust me, your body and face are not the only places with dry skin. Plus, with product, sand and other elements building up, this often overlooked area will thank you for giving it a good scrub. Use a clarifying shampoo, or, for a natural option, just rinse with some apple cider vinegar. I also like to use one of these to make sure that I'm really scrubbing my roots.
Make a Mad Dash for the Moisturize || After scrubbing off the dry skin, it's time to put the moisture back in your skin. If you've been using a lighter lotion, switch to a thick cream or oils, both for your face and your body.
Mask Your Locks || Similarly to your skin, you'll want to re-infuse your locks with moisture. You can use a hair mask like this one or simply smash together half an avocado and an egg (sounds gross but it works). Another trick I like to do is, about 10 minutes before showering, I comb out my hair with a wide tooth comb, then spread about 1/2-1 teaspoon of oil (almond, coconut, olive or jojoba) onto the ends and combo through again. Then proceed to shampoo and condition as you normally would. The oil prevents your hair from being damaged by products as well as keeping it from being completely stripped of its own natural oil.
Face the Facts || Let's face the facts, our facial skin is the most delicate and sensitive. Therefore, it stands to face the most damage and typically needs the most repair after a summer in the sun. Book a facial at the end of the season and enlist the help of a professional in helping you slough one season off and prep you for the next one.
When Things Get Spotty || One of the most common problems after a summer of sun is (appropriately named) sun (or brown) spots. There are many wonderful products on the market to help you fade these pesky little things that pop up. Typically one with vitamin C will be your best bet, but I also like this cream a lot. And don't forget about a treatment for your body!
From the Inside Out || As they always say, beauty isn't just skin deep. True beauty radiates from the inside out. I'm sure whoever said that was referring to how you act as a person and not to taking care of your body from the inside out, but whatevs. You should already be drinking lots of H to the O, but if you aren't, drink up. I take oil supplements (coconut and omega) all year long, but I up the dosage in the fall and winter. Consider upping your own dosages or even adding an additional supplement to your routine. Last but not least, if you don't already, take a daily hair, skin & nail vitamin. Taking this supplement has done wonders for the softness of my skin and hair, things that are both vital in repairing sun and heat damage.
What do you do to repair a summer of sun and sand?