That 70's Girl

H&M Blouse // J Brand Jeans // Guess Shoes (similar)// Old Navy Bag (similar) // Sunglass Warehouse Sunnies c/o // Vintage Necklace (similar) // Stila "Beso" Lipstick
I'll never forget the first time in my life that wide flare denim and high platform shoes came in style. Or, I should probably say, back in style....I was in 8th grade/beginning high school and I just had to have the coolest clothes (because what girl that age doesn't want that?!). In an effort to be even cooler than cool, I excitedly dug through some of the clothes my Mom had saved from her own high school days. Sadly, I wasn't able to squeeze my feet into her killer platforms, but I did salvage some pretty amazing wide leg chords (that I wore like it was my job). My Mom chuckled, telling me how funny it was to see styles come back around. I'm pretty sure I retorted with something like "Ummmm no, Mom! These styles are like so totally different! Don't you know anything about fashion?!". It should be noted that, at the time, I wore braces and mostly dressed like a tomboy, so clearly I knew what I was talking about. Now, here I am laughing, because all these years later, look what's back in style. Guess mom does know best after all...