August 2019 Reading List

Where the Crawdads Sing //
I finally got my hands on a copy of this book, and then proceeded to read it in one day because it was that enthralling (but also largely in part because I was sick on the couch). The story of Kya is captivating and enchanting, filled with romance (but not in a cheesy way) and murder (but not in a suspenseful way). Abandoned in the marshes at a young age by every member of her family and outcast and ridiculed by every person in town, Kya is left to her own defenses, using the nature around her as guidance, support and help. Just a few parts of the book get a tad slow (aka I skimmed over them), but majority of the book is filled with emotions, soul, poetry and a few unexpected surprises that will keep you hooked and hopeful for Kya until the very end.
Out East //
I’m usually a sucker for stories that are memoirs, especially ones that take place in areas that I’m familiar with (Hello NY + Montauk), but I had a hard time finishing this book. I think the author does a great job writing in a way that makes you feel almost like you’re a part of the story, or you’re hearing the story from a friend. It’s easy to read. At the same time, the majority of the book is centered on partying or recovering from partying, which basically left me feeling like I was reading a book version of Bravo’s Summer House. Well, that and that I’ve suddenly become much older than I realized. Not all that long ago I myself would have been spending far too much time partying….and yet now, reading about one long summer of partying just starts to get a little redundant and dull after a while. And honestly, I think it takes away from what this story is truly about.
More Than Words //
I grabbed this book on a whim and it ended up being an unexpected page turner that had me hooked until the end. Here’s the thing, you think the main character, Nina, is going to be the typical rich Manhattan socialite type, but, spoiler alert, she’s not. The story follows her through breaking free from who she is “supposed” to be, family secrets, lost love and death, to finding her true self. Are there a few predictable parts? Sure! But there are still a few surprises and it’s a pretty easy read, so if you’re looking for something for the beach, or to get through in a weekend, this is it.
Up Next: Looking forward to picking up The Smart One, I’ve just started One Day in December and I’m still on the wait-list for City of Girls. Also, I’m really looking forward to Cannelle et Vanille coming out at the end of September…it looks beautiful and delicious!