Fall Boots

H&M Hat (similar) || Thrifted Shirt (similar) || rag & bone Jeans || BED|STU Boots c/o || Gigi New York Bag c/o || Sierra Winter Prairie Ring c/o
I'm not going to lie. Something about boots and denim and mentions of Nashville and I'm all but ready to blast "These boots were made for walking.." on repeat...preferably while walking in a pair of boots. Is that obnoxious? Ridiculous?! Definitely at least 88.752% annoying, right?!
The new boots I happen to be walking around in this fall are this pair from BED|STU. I saw a few of the company's items being in sold in some of the boutiques around Nashville (hence the Nashville mention up above) and was impressed by the quality of each product I picked up. While I'd normally stick to boots that are no-frills and basic (and probably boring), I was inspired to give my plain boots the boot (You knew that one was coming!) and try these ones with actual frills (What can I say? I'm an all or nothing kinda gal). They're super durable and high-quality and I'm excited to be incorporating them into my wardrobe for fall.
And can we talk about that ring for a minute? Is it not gorgeous?! I'm seriously so impressed by all of Kansas City (Whadddup KC?!) babe Sierra Winter's beautiful designs. Her pieces are all so beautifully designed and so high quality. I double dare you not to want to get them all!
While the boots and ring and, let's be honest, this whole outfit, would have been perfect in Nashville, I actually wore this look for coffee at Devocion and a bit of exploring in Williamsburg (We stumbled upon the coolest plant store/home shop!). Go figure, the places we went all had a Nashville kind of vibe. Or maybe it's Nashville that has a Williamsburg vibe? Either way, wherever it is you do your walking, these boots were made for it.
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