Trenched in Torino

Calvin Klein Trench || Joe Fresh Sweater + Hat c/o || Vigoss Denim c/o || Cole Haan Booties via DSW c/o || Chanel Bag
It was a cold and blustery day when we set out to explore Torino, so naturally I bundled up as much as I could. I think I ended up looking more like Carmen Sandiego, but ya know, whatever it takes to not stand out like a tourist! Ha! As I'm sure you noticed, I wore my golden scarf for much of our trip (the weather was slightly cooler than had been predicted), so wearing this turtleneck sweater was a nice (and still super warm) breather from what was starting to become a permanent fixture around my neck. Of course, we ended up getting caught in torrential rain with no umbrella, so while my hat provided a slight shield, I of course, regretted not having my scarf (the one day I didn't wear it, go figure). Needless to say, the scarf didn't leave me (or at least Mr. RC's backpack) for the remainder of our trip....