Gifts You Can Still Get in Time for Christmas

If you're anything like me, you're finding yourself only 5 days away from Christmas without a single gift in site. Seriously, I'm the worst gift shopper ever. Everything I see, I'm just like "You know who this would be great for? Me!". #shoppingproblems
However, based on the amount of stores doing deliver-by-Christmas deals, I'd gather I'm not the only one with a last minute gift shopping problem. I've rounded up a few of my favorite gifts that you can still get in time for Christmas (insert all the praise hand emojis). You'll look like a thoughtful gift giver (even though just two days earlier you were in a sheer panic about what to get) and no one will ever know the wiser (Don't worry, your secret is safe with me!).
Happy last minute shopping!
P.S. I've listed the deadline you'd need to order each item by to ensure it arrives by 12/24.