Happy Hour

{Perfect spring weather + killer city views + my favorite croissants = a day well spent}
Guys, I have a confession to make. I tried a matcha tea latte.....and I didn't like it. I know, the horror. I mean, it's only the most popular foodie item right now. And I was so amped to try it because I love green tea. I even fulfilled my blogger duties and took a pretty photo of the pretty latte art (before I drank it, of course)to share with all of you. But just like I couldn't sugar coat the latte, I'm not going to sugar coat how I feel about that drink. It literally was the most horrific thing I've ever put in my mouth, and that's coming from someone who has drank vodka cheap enough to pass as rubbing alcohol (not one of my prouder moments in life). Clearly, I will not be joining the hundreds of people instagramming matcha tea lattes.
Ok, so I have to know, have you tried the matcha latte? How do you feel about it??
{Planning this year's garden}
{Colorful spring veggies #tastetherainbow}
{Stocking up on basic tees for warmer weather....maybe I'm just getting old (ugh), but stocking up on basics gets me ridiculously excited!}
{This sunset view never gets old, but it's an especially welcome site one it's the first warm weather sunset of the season}