Happy Hour

{Sunday supper of heirloom tomatoes, fresh basil and, my favorite part, fresh pasta from one of the old-school Italian stores in our neighborhood}
Hold the phone. Is it really already almost the end of July?! How??! What??! NO!!! Someone PUHHHHH-LEAZZZZE make this stop! Summer can't already be almost done. I've still got so many things to do, places to go, beaches to swim at, floats to float in, pools to dive into, rosé to drink....please tell me I'm not the only one!
In other news, this week has been fairly quiet, with almost no events or meetings (Praise Jesus!) which is giving us plenty of time to catch up, enjoy a few summer things and work on some exciting projects coming soooooon (The good ol' blogger tease...don't you just hate when we do that?!?) before things get all crazy busy again in August.
As always thanks for reading and hope you're all having a wonderful week!
{Our newest plant (Yay for finally tracking down a reasonably priced fiddle leaf fig tree!) + the start of book shelf reorganization/styling}
{I'm a sucker for anything that reminds me of our beautiful trip to Santorini! Case in point, these beautiful sandals and pouch c/o Elina Lebessi that are handmade on the Island of Crete in Greece. I can't wait to style them in upcoming outfits, but in the meantime, you can find more of the pretty products on places like Shopbop, Bergdorf Goodman and Free People.}
{My new favorite treat to have with coffee; we discovered these goodies, Megpies, while at a Foodie Holiday Press Preview recently. While the pop tart-like treats are seriously amazing, what was even cooler was talking to the owners, listening to their super cool and inspiring #hustlerealhard story about how they got started, commiserating over the difficulties of running your own business (It's not all fun & games!), and, most excitingly, hearing their big news of just recently being made available in all Starbucks all around the country (so look for them next time you get coffee). So awesome seeing handwork pay off for people who dream big and work hard!}
{Cocktails that I can carry on when I fly? My life is now complete! The Carry On Cocktail Kit c/0 comes in several varieties but, not only do I love Moscow Mules, I also couldn't resist the copper tin, which will be perfect for reusing and holding little trinkets and such on future travels!}
Dream hat that's under $15!!
Currently reading
Do these not look like the best (and the only) way to cool off in this heat??!
Making the work week easier one lunch at a time
Serious #homegoals
Because who doesn't want to look like a supermodel in photos?
This week's people-doing-good-things story