Happy Hour

{Anniversary breakfast treats at our go-to local bakery}
I've pulled out my sweaters. I've set up my blankets. I've already made some 1478-odd pumpkin recipes. I'm in full on fall mode over here. And then bam! Along comes an Indian summer. I hate it, but I love it, but I hate to love it. I mean, it's great and all, but it's like "STOP BEING SUCH A TEASE!" I just spent the last week with 10 sweaters on and there you are trying to be all cute with your warm temperature and so I switch back to shirts and tees and then it's immediately right back to freezing. I can't even deal! But such is my life right now #therecouldbeworsethingshappening.
Are you guys having an Indian summer where you live? Weather aside, I hope you're all having a great week!
{One of the best views of the city from one of my favorite city neighborhoods}
{Subtle fall decor around the home}
{Fully prepped and ready for fall adventures with this lakefront cocktail kit c/o W&P Design}
{Enjoying lunch by this cozy fireplace at a favorite winery upstate}
Faves from Around the Web
Looking for some scary good treats for Halloween? These and these may just be some of my favorite things I've ever made!
If this isn't the cutest animal video, then I don't know what is!
My childhood-self is geeking out over these costumes
Love this playlist my friend shared (She always has the best taste in music!)
If sleeping in a haunted castle is on your bucket list, you might want to check this out
And while we're on the haunted theme, some other creepy places to check out
I want to drink this by the bucketful all fall and winter long