Happy Hour

{Pretty flowers at our favorite local coffee shop}
As you may have noticed things have been a little off around RC this week. While we just moved down 4 flights of stairs, it was still a move nonetheless. Because we were staying in the same building we chose not to box things up, which is great because we don't have to unpack, but it was exhausting because we had to make about 4789 trips down the stairs (thank God for good friends who helped us move!). Unfortunately all this stuff piled up also means I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE ANYTHING IS (in case the all caps didn't make it clear, I am screaming that...about 57 times a day). To top it off, I've had an attack of allergies so horrible my face looks like shrek and one eye is temporarily puffed shut, so basically I'm typing this half blind. Also, this is the reason for no outfit posts this week. But, like I always say, no matter what is happening, there are always things to be happy about. Thank you for bearing with me and reading through my one-eyed dramatic saga of a post. Now please tell me something lovely happening in your life this week!
Oh and PS, in case you missed it, there's a discount code for swimsuits in yesterday's post...since it's almost summer, you should probably go stock up!
{The first of our seeds have started to come up, the only problem? We forgot to mark things so we have no idea what this is!}
{One of my favorite things about NY is that no matter how long you live here, you can always find some place new. We recently discovered this quiet dead end street that backed up to the Gowanus canal (gross) but had this gorgeous rustic garden/seating/canoe area (not gross)}
{Getting the spice cabinet set-up and organized is always a priority when we move since we both like to cook so much}
{The backyard path is finally in}
{This week's quote via}