Happy Hour

{NYC....or Miami??}
I know we just came back from vacation....but I already feel like I need a vacation. Is that bad? Probably, but it's true. I literally feel like I've been going nonstop since we got back. I mean normally I hate when people who aren't important say that they're so busy because it's like " 'ish please! You are not out there curing cancer. You are getting your nails done and meeting your friend for coffee...at 11am...on a weekday...when most people are at work. You are not that busy. Really." But really....I've been busy, and I have no idea why (because Lord knows I am not that important and I'm certainly not curing cancer!). I've had back to back events since we returned last week (must be because I'm some uber duber important blogger.....ha!) and the homebody in me is having a major struggle sesh dealing with it. I'll take a glass bottle of wine, my couch, some Real Housewives, and a few cookies over going out any day. Who's with me??
{My favorite booth at the rewardStyle party...I'm sure you can't imagine why....}
{The lettering of the Empire Hotel rooftop sign has always been a favorite of mine}
{Our carrots may not have grown as big as they were supposed to, but I kind of think they're cuter as baby carrots}
{Loving the neckline details on this Piperlime sweatshirt (coming soon) c/o}