Happy Hour NO. 173 // Little Joys

A SPECIAL EDITION OF HAPPY HOUR TO HIGHLIGHT SOME OF the ways I’ve been adding a little extra joy to my days + routine without spending much {or any} money
Instead of just grabbing something quick for lunch, then eating at the computer, we’ve been adding some rituals to our midday meal to make it a bit of an experience and a much needed break. We turn on music, cook together, put an actual meal together, and, if the weather permits, enjoy it in the backyard.
I think it’s more important than ever before to laugh at least once a day. After all, they say laughter is the best medicine. We’ve been getting our daily laughs in with a nightly episode {or three} of The Office, which we recently started watching from the beginning. OMG! I completely forgot how funny the show actually is and watching it has made me laugh harder than I have in a long time!
// Candles
It’s no secret that I’m a fan of burning candles, but lately I’ve been burning more than ever {if that’s even possible} to ensure the mood in our home is cozy and comforting. I love keeping one lit throughout the day, especially if it’s cooler and gloomier, or lighting one in the evening, before making dinner, to signify that the work day is done.
I’ve always had a big sweet tooth and need to have a little something after every meal, but typically I’ll just grab a square of chocolate or a handful of chocolate chips. However, I’ve been making an effort to have something a little more indulgent on hand (indulgent because it takes time to make, not necessarily because it’s unhealthy or anything}. These in particular have been a favorite around here as of late, but I’ve also been making biscotti and cookies.
I know this isn’t groundbreaking by any means, but I’ve been swapping out some of my water for iced tea and it’s made such a difference, not only in getting me to drink more water, but also in bringing extra joy and flavor to my afternoons. I’ve been loving this tea {especially because it doesn’t need any added sweeteners}, but you can use whatever you have on hand. Bonus points for serving it in fancy cocktail glasses!
It feels like the laundry never ends, especially these days when we’re washing and sanitizing like never before. As a way to make the chore just a little more fun {or at the very least smell a little more pleasant}, I’ve been swapping in this detergent in place of our regular detergent when washing our bedding and bath items. Not only does it make laundry time a little more bearable, but it also makes our sheets smell heavenly, which is a welcome bonus, especially come bedtime.
// Something Extra
Ordering groceries has become a norm for many, us included. But omg is it a process or what?! Between the actual ordering, delivery scheduling, sanitizing, then putting things away, it’s basically a full time job. So, as a way to make it just a tad less annoying and a bit more exciting, we make sure to add a little something extra to our orders, something we might not always get. Last week it was these specialty cheeses and meat that we picked up here, along with our CSA box.
// An Evening Spritz
Every evening, right before we crawl into bed, I like to give our sheets, and room, a good spritz with a calming room spray {I’ve been using this one that I made}. I’ve also been adding this oil blend to our diffuser for some extra chill scents. I instantly feel my mood shift and feel calmer and more relaxed and ready for bed. It’s truly crazy how a simple spritz can make all the difference between getting a good night’s sleep or not.