Happy Hour No. 186
// new + neutral
As I’m sure many of you know, furniture and home goods deliveries are majorly delayed these days, so after plotting and planning and dreaming of the design for our living room space, and then waiting for what feels like an eternity for things to arrive (not to mention the month+ we went without a couch and our living room looking like a storage unit in the interim), it’s so nice to finally see the space taking the new, neutral, airy, light, mediterranean direction that I’ve been visualizing in my mind. This is just a small sneak peek, as showcased by our house spokes-cat, Bomba, but I can’t wait to share more as the space continues to come together!
One of my favorite LA brands, Michael Stars, just recently re-released their vintage tees that the brand launched with 35 years ago. Each tee has a different location theme, with super cool designs, and a portion of the proceeds go to a good cause. I’m especially fond of the Malibu one that I’m wearing, but you can shop them all here.
We broke into this bottle of liquor that we picked up in Ventura to make spritzes over the weekend, and wow! I don’t know if I can go back to regular aperol spritzes after that! This is just so fresh and real and not sticky sweet and you can really taste the zestiness of the local California citrus in it. It’s safe to say this it’s amore for this amaro for me! And if you’re a spritz fan, I can’t recommend it enough!
We live right around the corner from our local farmer’s market, so every Friday I pop over to get “freshies” aka fresh flowers. My favorite stand has some bouquets for a mere $3 or less (I know, I’m still shocked by this, too!), and it’s by far the best $3 I spend every week! I mean, honestly, I don’t think there’s much else you can get for that price that will bring that amount of joy, beauty and happiness into your life. Like, we’re talking less than it costs to get a cup of coffee. FOR FRESH FLOWERS! A small joy with a big impact that I certainly don’t take for granted!
Jimmy Nardellos are a beautiful sweet Italian pepper that I absolutely love to cook with and to eat. I anxiously await their short but sweet season every year, and when it finally arrives it’s always so exciting! And, well, as I’m sure you can guess by this photo, this past weekend, the season finally arrived for the year. I grabbed as many peppers as I could and have already made several things with them, including a pasta and agrocdolce, and my hope is to share a Jimmy Nardello recipe or two with y’all before their fleeting season is over.
This home tour came out last week and here I am almost a week later and still not over it! It is truly quite possibly the dreamiest home I’ve ever seen! I mean, there are even rescue animals. Enough said! (P.S. There’s also a video tour of the home here, which, like it I think it goes without saying but you absolutely NEED to watch it!)
Very excited about this brand that is doing great things to make sustainability more accessible and approachable. And I’m even more excited to be partnering with them as I work to bring you more content centered around sustainability. In the meantime, you can check out their site here and feel free to use my code ALYSSA10 to get a discount in their shop.
News headlines stressing you out? Yeah me, too. This article is a helpful read.
I’m not sure why but for some reason I’ve had plum sorbet on the brain. I’m planning to test out some recipes to create my own, but in the mean time, this one is looking quite easy and quite delicious!
I never need an excuse to travel to Italy, but how dreamy does this spot look??! *immediately runs to book flights
If you’re looking for vintage Turkish rugs, I highly recommend checking out this Etsy shop. It’s newer, but packed with some great gems (It’s where I sourced the rug currently featured in our living room photo, above), at great prices, and she has amazing shipping times!