A Touch of Flare

Forever 21 Sunnies || Thrifted Chambray Top || Velvet by Graham & Spencer Tee c/o || Express Jeans c/o || Thrifted Scarf || GiGi New York Bag c/o || Daniel Wellington Watch c/o (Get 15% off their site when you use code RUNWAYCHEF) || Dior Heels (another Dior pair that are similar) c/o
Even though I went through an 8th grade/early high school phase where I wanted to wear nothing but flares, I'm a little more hesitant to don a pair these days. I worry that they won't be as comfortable, or that any way I style them will have people thinking I've time traveled straight from the 70's. That is, until I found this pair. People may still think I've time traveled, but I prefer to think of it as adding a 70's touch of flare to two favorite looks, the Canadian Tux and a classic white tee and jeans combo. I sound like a broken record at this point, but you truly just cant go wrong with classics. They're pretty much guaranteed to never make you look silly or uncomfortable, even if you are wearing something that probably belonged in your Mom's high school wardrobe....