In Remembrance

I know it's Wednesday, which I know typically means a happy hour, but it didn't seem appropriate given what today means to my family.
Last year around this time you may have remembered me mentioning a family emergency and taking some time off from blogging. At the time I chose not to go into the details of what was happening to allow my family space and privacy. You see, unexpectedly, my Mother-in-Law passed away a year ago today. While it may seem odd to share something so personal on such a public space, my husband and I chose to write this post together, not for any kind of sympathy or pity, but instead as a way to honor her and remember her. She was always so kind, thoughtful, caring, loving, and bubbly, and her support of this little blog from the very beginning, as well as her support for both my husband and myself in everything we did, was unending. Though it hardly seems like enough, but this post is our way of remembering what a wonderful woman she was.
From a Son to a Mother, a memorial and reflection.
I can’t believe that one year has passed. So much has changed and yet at times, it seems that so little time has passed. I can honestly remember telling you how we had just moved (again) and how excited we were to show you our new neighborhood. Though it’s difficult to be able to physically show you how our lives have progressed, I know that you are and have been with us every step of the way. For that, I always have the notion and belief that the hole in my heart, though it may remain, will be mended with happy memories, thoughts and your love. I miss you everyday, but I carry you with me. I love you mom, always and forever.
Now I must admit, I am not the most open of people when it comes to certain things and I can certainly admit the apprehension and nerves that I feel as I am typing this to share with the world. I overcome those nerves and the apprehension with the feeling of celebration for my mother, Joan, or J-Dawg sometimes as her alias for comments. Not many of you may know, but she was one of the original supporters and followers of Runway Chef. She was constantly telling friends, family members and acquaintances about how her then future daughter-in-law and now daughter-in-law was a blogger, and more importantly that everyone should go read it and share Runway Chef with others. As being Mr. RC, I could not have asked for any better support for the Mrs. as she has been built Runway Chef from the ground up. Alyssa and I have no doubt in our minds that without my mom, Runway Chef would not be where it is today and for that we thank you Mom, for always supporting, always sharing and always loving.
Again, this post was not written for the sake of sympathy or pity. If you take one thing away from this, it is that life truly is short, and sometimes it can be so mean, so never take anything or anyone for granted, always tell those closest to you how much you love and appreciate them, and never go to bed angry at the ones you love.
We miss you every day J-Dawg.
R.I.P. 6-4-13