May Reading List

Happy Friday! Who's ready for the weekend? We've been on a real warm weather kick around these parts, which means I've been spending lots of time out and about. While it's still supposed to be plenty sunny this weekend, the temps are predicted to drop back down slightly. That combined, with a hectic work week, and I'm all but ready to curl up and spend some quality time diving into the pages of a new book. Here's what's on my radar, reading-wise:
Jackie's Girl: My Life with the Kennedy Family || I've always had a bit of a (maybe slightly unhealthy) obsession with the Kennedy's. I blame this impart to the fact that, growing up, my Mom would frequently reference and find inspiration in both Jackie O's style, as well as the Kennedy children's style, for her own outfits as well as those of mine and my sisters. So, naturally I can never wait to dive into any and everything Kennedy's, especially involving Jackie, hence this book being on May's reading list.
Nothing to Prove || I've been soaking in the knowledge of self-help books since high school, and this one, which comes highly recommended, seems like the perfect one to dive into right now as I'm really struggling with the biggest battles of the self-employed- feeling like you're never doing enough or working enough or being enough.
Mistakes Were Made (Some of them in French) || A story involving France? And a glamorous model? And the restoring of a chateau in the South of France? You know I was ready to read this before it even came out.
You Are a Badass || When I heard everyone talking about Jen Sincero's latest book (see below), I immediately realized I somehow missed reading her first book. Obviously, I'm fixing that stat.
You Are a Badass at Making Money || Because apparently I can't get enough self-help books this month...(Maybe another thing I have a slightly unhealthy obsession with??!)
Have you guys read any of these books, and if so, what are your thoughts? Also, as always, I love to know what's currently on your reading list. Let me know in the comments below.