Editor’s Note //
You know you’ve officially reached the busiest time of the year when…you’re three days late to posting December’s “Month Ahead”. But it’s also my favorite time of year and holiday content is some of my favorite to create and share, so late or not, this post was happening.
On the busy note- does anyone else feel like this year’s busy season is, well, extra busy? Or is it just me? I feel miles behind in all the things I need to do, I’m struggling to find a second to do even one of the many festive things I love about this season, and the other day, when I was mapping out my calendar for the month, it somehow looked like Christmas was about to be here in .2 seconds. So much for savoring the season??! Ha!
Here’s the thing. I know this is always my busiest time of year, work wise. And yet, every year, I’m always determined to make the most of the season and do alllll the holiday things, even though I end up not being able to. But this year, I’ve been feeling so especially strung out, I had almost convinced myself we were too busy to even get a Christmas tree. I mean, too busy to go pick out an already cut tree???! What is wrong with me and who even am I??! That was a full stop moment for me to check in and say “Something’s got to give” and that something shouldn’t be the something that is festive, merry and bright and brings me so much joy, especially after another, shall we say, less than normal year.
So we got ourselves a tree. It still remains undecorated, along with the rest of the house. But we have a tree, and it look pretty and smells good and has been bringing me insane amounts of joy in the midst of another busy week, so that’s all that really matters.
I’ll be spending the rest of this busy month figuring out what else has “got to give” so that I can squeeze in more of what actually matters, even if it’s just baking pre-made holiday cookies instead of making them fully from scratch, or checking out the holiday lights on the way to run errands versus going for a full on holiday drive. I hope you can find ways to do the same and add some festive holiday joy into this busy month, too!
WEAR cozy, carefree looks that I’ve been living in + maybe a holiday party outfit or two along with some favorite makeup products for festive holiday looks
EAT a classic Christmas cookie
WANDER finally going to be sharing the pictures from our magical winter wonderland Switzerland trip that we took before the world went upside down
CELEBRATE a few festive updates to the holiday HQ page
GIVE updating my “gifts that give back” page
what I’m pinning // my DECEMBER INSPO BOARD is getting me in the spirit with all the cozy, wintery, festive feels
what I’m watching // all the holiday classics (ya know, like The Holiday and Elf), the cheesy holiday Hallmark movies (much to Dave’s dismay) and re-watching my favorite European holiday show (that I discovered last year) at least a million times while I not-so-patiently hope/wait for them to come out with a third season (it’s just so good….set in the perfect wintery setting, funny, romantic, relatable, Christmas vibes, good music, episodes are short enough to watch on weeknights…I mean can you tell why I’m watching on repeat?!)
what I’m listening to // speaking of said favorite holiday show, I’m also listening to the show’s playlist on repeat (I know, big shocker) as well as my holiday playlist and I’m also really loving this playlist of chill holiday tunes
what I’m following on Instagram // I don’t know how but I somehow just discovered this account and I’m obsessed! Inspo, style, European vibes, aesthetics, all on-point!
what I’m cooking // lots of cozy, festive pastas (like this one and this one), warm and nourishing soups and Christmas cookies (le duh!)
what I’m shopping for // finishing up gift shopping and trying to find some new chic winter coats that don’t cost my entire life savings (Who knew this was so hard to do?!). So far I’ve got this one (use code ALYSSA15 to get 15% off) and I’ve got my eye on this one as a good budget option as well as this one (can’t believe it’s 100% wool for that price!)