(Mid) Month Ahead // January 2022

(Mid) Month Ahead // January 2022
Finally, finally, finaaaallllly sitting down to write this month’s “Month Ahead”, although at this point it should probably just be called the “mid-month check-in” haha Just tells you what kind of start I’ve had to 2022 and how this month is going for me (spoiler alert- it’s not).
I always love putting together these posts. They’re nothing fancy, but it’s just a nice way to have a little check in every month. Which is really what this post is, a check in, mostly to say Hi. Hello. Yes, I’m still here.
I’m not going to lie, the year is off to a pretty slow/odd start for me. I took some time off over the holidays, and promised myself I’d get back into things once we returned to LA. But when we returned last week, after three weeks in NY, I felt anything but ready to jump right back into things.
Usually after my holiday break I’m itching to get back into work I feel antsy and excited, bursting at the seems with ideas and energy. I’ve got all kinds of goals and plans for how I want the year to go. But this year, well, I don’t know, I don’t feel any of those things. No ideas in my head, not one goal written out and I still feel incredibly burnt out. It’s very strange and unfamiliar and very unlike me.
Maybe it’s seasonal, maybe it’s exhaustion from the last two-now-going-on-three years, or the current state of the world, or returning home and finding mold in our house, or battling some sort of seasonal cold/allergies on and off for the last three weeks, or some personal issues that have come up recently or the pull to be constantly connected and on and creating that comes from social media, DMs, emails, texts, phone calls and every other form of communication….I mean, I feel exhausted just listing these things out, so it’s no wonder that the year feels off to a rough start and I still feel burnt out. And it’s no wonder I’m not alone in feeling this way (at least according to friends I’ve spoken to and social media posts I’ve seen). Seems we’re all collectively tired, burnt out and not quite ready for a new year probably because it doesn’t really feel, well, all that new. Instead it kind of just feels like 2021 is never ending and continue to carrying right along on it’s merry little way.
I also think part of my burn out is feeling like I’m jumping right back into work where I left off before the holidays, busy, hurried, anxious, exhausted, not enough time, and the things that matter, sleep, movement, nutritious meals, getting pushed to the back burner. So before I jump 100% back into work, I need to get myself back to 100% first. Add some fun things back into the calendar, make some plans, work on a hobby just for me, savor the little things, add some little joys back into my routines, romanticize my life (more on that later).
So that’s where I’m at. I’m embracing it for what it is, choosing not to feel bad about it or to force anything to happen until I’m ready for it to happen and opting to change my outlook to use this time for something different than I had originally planned (like cleaning out the house instead of creating goals). I find when you’re least focused on making something happen, that something ends up happening far better than you ever could have planned anyways.
I’m also reminding myself it’s better to be a tortoise, instead of a hare, because slow and steady is what wins the race. So that’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m taking things slowly, easing into things and not pushing myself too hard. I have a few work projects and some blog posts planned, but I’m not putting pressure on myself to do much this month. For me, I’d rather wait until I’m 100% because it will take me 5 times as long to do something if I have to force it and it just won’t turn out nearly as well either. I’m also a big believer in setting goals when it feels right, not when a calendar says you should. Whether you make a goal in January or March, it really doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is if you accomplish it.
So, that’s it. I’ve officially decided January is my warm up month and I’m starting my 2022 in February. Who’s with me?!
what I’m reading //
I always love to re-read some of my favorite motivational books this time of year, including this one, this one and this one. Also, thinking of adding this one into the mix this year.
what I’m listening to //
I know this is going to sound funny, but I’ve been obsessed with this sleep playlist, and not just for sleeping. The gentle and calming sounds are just perfect for creating a relaxed vibe during the day for everything from journaling to writing to working on emails.
what candle I’m burning //
Can’t get enough of this cozy scent (or this one) that make me feel like I’m tucked away, somewhere, in some cabin, by a toasty, cozy fireplace
what I’m doing //
Over the holidays, when I was super busy, I got away from journaling, so I’m making an effort to get back into that as well as getting back into a proper morning routine (more on that later). I’ve also picked up my coloring pencils and coloring book again, and I’m making some major moves on cleaning and organizing things around our house. I’m definitely that person who functions better in an organized, clutter-free, efficient space, and I just love the idea of kicking off the new year with a clean home. Plus, I’m hoping that maybe a fresh, cleaned out space will help inspire me and get the creative juices flowing again. So, we got our first ever storage unit to help us remove some unnecessary clutter from our every day lives, like boxes of Christmas ornaments, (because out of sight, out of mind) and I’ve also been on a major listing spree on Poshmark (linked here, in case you want to check it out).
what I’m living in //
I just got this cashmere set and it’s a literal dream to wear! Just the softest, coziest thing you can imagine! (p.s. you can use my code ALYSSA15 to snag a little discount on the set!)
what I’m drinking //
I’ve never been a big almond milk person, but for some reason, since being back in LA, I’ve been on a vanilla almond milk latte and hot chocolate kick and I have to say it’s making for quite a delicious (but healthy) treat to start and end the day (coffee to start, hot chocolate to end).
what I’m cooking //
After three glorious weeks of delicious NY bagels, I was itching to get back to our fresh farmer’s market produce here in LA. I actually craved green juice while we were away (I know, even I can’t believe I’m saying that! Ha! ) so I’ve been back to making that on the daily along with all kinds of loaded salads and veggies bowls and it’s been glorious! We’ve also been making these Korean-inspired sticky chicken bowls and omg! I think I may need to share the recipe soon because it’s they’re so easy but oh-so-good! I also got a few new cookbooks for Christmas (Malibu Farms and Ottolenghi Simple) so I’ve been browsing those for inspo and new recipe ideas and I’m looking forward to cooking from them soon!
what I’m shopping for //
We’re going skiing soon for the first time in years so I’ve been hunting down new gear (surprisingly I’ve been finding lots of great used options on FB marketplace, just as an FYI, if you too are looking for new used ski gear). I’ve also been on the lookout for a good shearling coat (that doesn’t also cost the same amount as a down payment on a house) and, now that the Christmas tree is gone, I’m finally trying to find some pieces to finish our living room (namely a proper coffee table and a corner chair) that aren’t back ordered for the next century and a half (any and all leads are welcome).