Pictures from Punta Cana

On to day two of torturing you with tropical pictures (#sorrynotsorry). As you may or may not remember, we jetted down to Punta Cana about a week and a half ago for a few days for one of my best friend's wedding. Since the trip was quick we made sure to focus on relaxing, unwinding, hanging out with friends, and celebrating the wedding. Because of this we didn't do too much exploring, but we did manage to snap a few pictures around our resort (read: lots of palm tree pics). I hope you enjoy scrolling through, and, if you live in a colder area like me, I hope these pictures help to "warm" your day!
P.S. How insane is that sky above?! No filter, no photoshop, just natural beauty!
Just a handful of the many turtles swimming in one of the ponds on the grounds of the resort
If you look closely you can see this bird (a Pied-bill Grebe) is sitting on a nest of eggs
Common Gallinule birds
Can you spot the lizard?
Hints of pink in the sand make me happy!
I love that, when you look closely, you can see the whole outline of the moon here (and in a lot of the other pictures with the moon).
A Least Bittern bird