I went to school in a small town in Kansas. So, when it came time to go on a Colorado spring break trip one year, my friends and I opted to drive instead of fly. Between that, the cross-country drive with my family and my college years, I'm no stranger to the endless plains that cover the state of Kansas. For Dave, though, it was a whole new world.
I know many find the drive across the midwest to be long and dull. Especially across Kansas, once you pass Topeka, spotting another car is like spotting a unicorn, gas stations are few and far between and forget about stopping anywhere for food (because there is no where to stop). Yet, I find so much beauty in the hills that roll on forever, the towns so small you could blink and miss them, the endless fields of sunflowers shining gold in all their glory (see our drone pictures from one field below) and the fact that there's no one else around for miles and miles and miles. In a way, I'm even a little bit envious of the farmers who live there, in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but their land and/or animals around. It feels so foreign, yet at times, city life has me questioning if I wouldn't really mind the peaceful silence and solitude (and the ability to finally have my giant goat farm!). At the very least, it's cool to see and be reminded of just how vast and diverse the US really is, something that is easy to forget when you live in a big city.
I hope you enjoy our vlog and photos from this beautiful part of the county. Even though the drive across Kansas is a long one, I promise you our video is not just us driving through farm land!