Roasted Cauliflower + Edamame Hummus

Anyone who knows me, knows that I have a sweet tooth something fierce. While I eat relatively healthy, clean, well-balanced meals (except for weekends....and like taco Tuesdays....and ya, know,pizza Fridays), desserts are my vice and more than likely the one thing standing between me and a 6-pack (of abs, not beer, just so we're clear). While I can (mostly) give up carbs and I can sacrifice my wine and cheese 6 nights a week, when it comes to dessert, give me sweets or give me death!
If you've paid attention to any of my recipes as of late than you know I've been taking that sweets-or-death thing pretty seriously as of late. So seriously in fact that I've completely neglected my love for all other food groups and/or my expanding waistline. And while the fact that I love dessert is not a lie, the truth is, our lives are about 90% roasted veggies/grain bowls/tahini and really only about 10% dessert. So, just as we all need our own detox, I figured the blog could use a little detox of its own. With the holidays coming faster than you can read this sentence, it's also a great time be a little extra healthy before a season of indulgence.
It was with all that in mind that this roasted cauliflower & edamame hummus came about. I absolutely love hummus (I could eat it by the tub), but I'm not so fond of the bean bloat that follows. Y'all feel me?? So, in an attempt to redeem one of my favorite healthy snacks, I decided to sub in a whole bunch of roasted cauliflower and some edamame. While edamame are still technically beans, they don't have quite the same effects as some other varieties do. The resulting outcome is a veggie and nutrient packed hummus that is thick, creamy and smooth. It tastes divine with pita chips and roasted carrots and I'm dreaming of putting it on a roasted eggplant sandwich for a truly magical combination of flavors. Even better, this hummus is healthier than the healthy hummus I set out to replace. Believe it or not, this stuff is just so darn good that it almost makes me forget about my sweet tooth...almost ;)
yield approximately 3 cups
- 1/2 a medium-sized (or 1 small) head of cauliflower, cut into pieces
- 1 1/2 cups edamame beans
- 1 large (or 2 small) garlic clove
- 3 tablespoons olive oil + more for roasting
- Juice of half a lemon
- 3 tablespoons of tahini
- Water (5-6 tablespoons or more, depending on preference)
- 2-5 tablespoons cilantro (if desired)
- Salt
- Roasted veggies + pita chips, for serving
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spread cauliflower on a baking sheet, drizzle with olive, sprinkle with salt and roast for 30 minutes. Add the edamame and garlic to the tray (and additional olive oil and salt, if you think it needs it), give everything a quick toss, then continue roasting for another 15-20 minutes, or until the cauliflower and garlic are golden brown.
Once the veggies are done, toss them in a cuisinart along with the 3 tablespoons of olive oil, lemon juice, tahini, cilantro (if you're using it) and additional salt (to taste). Pulse a few seconds, then stop to add a tablespoon of water. Pulse again, then add more water. Continue in this manner, adding water one tablespoon at a time, and pulsing until it's smooth and you reach a consistency you like (I used 6 tablespoons).
Serve immediately, or store in an airtight container in the refrigerator (should last about 1 week).
We enjoy eating this with pita chips and roasted carrots, but other crackers and veggies would taste great, too. It would even make a great spread on a sandwich.