And just like that we’re in the ‘ber months (aka September, October, November, December).
It never ceases to amaze me just how quickly the time flies by. It also never ceases to amaze how quickly people forget that it’s still summer and jump straight into fall. Just because the calendar says September 1st doesn’t mean all fall needs to break loose. If we could kindly hold off on the Halloween decorations until at least it’s officially fall (That’s September 22nd for those of you that seem to be seasonally confused and calendar challenged!), that would be much appreciated, please and thank you.
Now look, I love fall as much as the next person. It’s cozy and comforting and absolutely magical. In fact, it’s my favorite time of year. But I’m a firm believer that the best produce of the season comes to fruition in these last few weeks of summer, and you’re dead wrong if you think I’m about to skip on over the most flavorful tomatoes of the year in the name of some lousy little PSL. I say as I’ve literally baked two batches of pumpkin protein muffins in less than a week while also beginning my yearly autumnal re-watch of Gilmore Girls. I am a nothing if not a walking hypocrite with one arm in a sweater and one leg still firmly planted in a flip flop in the sand. Get you a time of year that can do both, you know what I'm saying?!
I personally love this little in-between season, when summer dances with fall, and you can soak up the last beach days and rays of sunshine while simultaneously prepping for the upcoming seasonal shift and the inevitable holiday madness that will follow. I think it’s the perfect moment to take a pause and take stock, to get back to taking the steps to making your dreams reality, to getting back to routine and consistency, to re-set and re-focus after summer days that were relaxed (maybe too much so?!), but before days get really booked and busy again. I know I, for one, need to get my own schedule back in line, get back into a more disciplined routine (trading late nights for early mornings and getting back into a better sleeping routine, more reading, less social media and dialing it back on the treats that became a bit too frequent over the summer months are just a few that come to mind) and, most importantly, getting back to romanticizing the every day and the mundane and finding the beauty in life. I noticed that somehow in all the hustle and bustle of late, the romanticizing, the “living life in good taste”, has gotten lost and with it so has a lot of joy. So I’ll be making a list of some ways I can start romanticizing life again and then start implementing those later this month.
Cheers to the in-between seasons, and romanticizing life, no matter which season you’re in!
“Dear September, meet us with the joy of summer’s last sunsets and fall’s first hello. But be extra careful and don’t hurry us out of the now. Please be gentle as we wait the cool breeze and turning leaf. As summer dances with autumn, dear September, sweep us into fall.”- My Darling Diary
“The happiest people romanticize their life because they know magic exist where they choose to find it”- Case Kenny
Check out my SEPTEMBER BOARD to see what’s inspiring me as the seasons transition from summer to fall
Figuring out what to cook in September often sends me into a tizzy. I toggle between savoring the last of the summer produce (which, let’s be honest, is sometimes at it’s absolute peak this time of year) while simultaneously feeling myself pulled to jump head first into all things warm, cozy, smoky, apple, pumpkin, squash and spice. Here are a few things currently catching my eye for the month ahead-
FIG, PROSCIUTTO + RICOTTA PIZZA- figs and prosciutto is always a good idea, especially on pizza
OVEN-ROASTED TOMATO BRUSCHETTA- an easy yummy way to put the last of the tomatoes to good use
WHIPPED PARM RICOTTA TOAST WITH HERBY BLISTERED JIMMY NARDELLO PEPPERS- nardello season can only mean one thing….it’s ricotta toast time; this is easily one of my top 10 favorite recipes on my site and I’ve been so anxious to make it again this season!
ROASTED GRAPES WITH BURRATA- easy, delicious and so beautiful; perfect for entertaining or as a light lunch paired with a simple green salad
ITALIAN SAUSAGE + PEPPER GRINDERS- another great way to put nardello peppers to good use
ULTIMATE ITALIAN CHOPPED SALAD- a salad that’s hearty and fresh and sort of summery but not too summery, kind of like this time of year
SALTED CHOCOLATE CHERRY COCONUT GRANOLA- this granola is so cozy and delicious you’ll want to eat for breakfast, snacks, dessert and everything else in between
APPLE CIDER DONUTS- no words needed to describe this seasonal staple
GIN + JAM COCKTAILS- something fun to sip on
SISTAIN, one of my go-to brands for sustainable pieces that are also chic, minimal and elevated, has so many great new items in stock. I actually recently curated a collection of all my favorites which you can see here.
I don’t drink a whole lot these days, but I still love to have a fun little beverage and these KIN drinks have been hitting the spot. As their name implies, they quite literally taste like actual sunshine, pineapple guava sunshine. Yum!
I’m on a major chocolate brown kick (then again, when am I not?!) so of course I had to snag this cute little bag as soon as I saw it and I haven’t stopped wearing it since it arrived. Not only is the color great but I’m also obsessed with the fact that you can wear it three different ways. Considering that and the fact that’s leather, it’s reasonable price point is just the cherry on top (and almost seems to good to be true…almost).
I live for a matching set moment (it just makes getting dressed so easy) so, of course, when I saw one of my favorite sets is now available in a beautiful shade of brown, you know I had to snag it (top here, pants here).
One more chocolate brown note from me and then I’ll shut up about it (for now). But my absolute favorite leggings that are soft, cotton, sustainable and so well priced are finally re-stocked and available in, you guessed it, chocolate brown. Run, don’t walk! P.S. Getting the set is the way to go.
Post Malone’s new album has been out for a few weeks already and yup, I still can’t stop listening to it on repeat. I’m also loving Miranda Lambert’s new song.
All Time, the recently released cookbook from a restaurant of the same name that I love here in Los Angeles