Tropical Scones

Heeeeeeey, hey, hey friends! I’m super amped that it’s……dun, dun, dun….FINALLY FRIDAY! Almost as amped as I am to share these tropical scones with you. Because obviously, getting amped about tropical flavored carbs is the only way to be on a Friday. No, really, it is.
I am b-a-n-a-n-a-s for these scones, which is slightly odd considering they have no bananas in them. But they do have all kinds of other delicious tropical fruits and flavors. One of our favorite local bakeries makes a similar scone that I LURVE so much (No, really….I’ve legit made Mr. RC drive all the way back to the bakery after getting home just to get me more AND he’s even asked them to bake more just so I can buy one), I decided it was high time I start making my own. This was partly due to the fact that they don’t always sell them and partly so the Mr. wouldn’t have to chase them down for me. But, let’s be real, it’s mostly because I just want to have them in my life every darn day! When you try them, you’ll total understand why!
These scones, unlike many you’ll find, aren’t small, they aren’t dry and they aren’t hard. Oh no, no, no! These scones are soft, fluffy and moist. They’re loaded up on mango and pineapple and toasted coconut. And then….wait for it…..they’re topped off with a passion fruit glaze! I knooooooow. It’s wild! I mean, are you getting why I was so amped to share these with you??! Is it making sense??! I sure hope so. But even more, I hope you’ll make them. They’ll totally change your breakfast game!