Editor’s Note // And just like that we’re at the halfway point of 2020. I’d like to think it could only go up from here, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned from this rollercoaster of a year, it’s to take nothing for granted because nothing is ever guaranteed or certain {well, ok, maybe besides the fact that I’m always stocked on mezcal and chocolate aka the essentials getting me through this crazy time}.
I have to admit, with so much unpredictability, it’s been hard to write this monthly post. Heck, it’s been hard to make any plans, keep any sort of consistency, develop any recipes, create any sort of content or, let’s be honest, do much of anything these days. In fact, you may or may not have noticed that I skipped this post altogether last month. It just didn’t feel appropriate. And as much as I miss writing and I hate being so incoconsistent with content, I’m also being mindful and respectful of the bigger things effecting our world.
While I’m certainly feeling a bit more creative these days, and I’m taking more photos, brainstorming more post ideas, working on more home projects, cooking more yummy things and planning more articles to share, the usual “Month Ahead” format just doesn’t feel fitting at this time. So, I’m trying something different, sharing a few simple things, things that I feel like I have some control and predictability over, things that are bringing me some sort of joy, things that I hope can bring you a bit of joy, too, over this next month and inspire you to keep living life in good taste, no matter what else 2020 tries to throw at us. xx
what I’m pinning // my July Inspo board is full of wanderlust, summery vibes, backyard inspo, breezy pieces, things that feel light, airy, bright and full of hope
what I’m listening to // this playlist has all the chill vibes for hanging out at home and this one has been great for weekend hangs in the backyard
what I’m reading // My friend just started a virtual book club so I’m currently reading our first book selection, The Vanishing Half
what I’m following on Instagram // this account and this one for all kinds of skincare knowledge, this account for all kinds of amazing renter-friendly DIY home projects, this account that makes me want allll the bread, this account that makes me want allllll the pasta and this account for all sorts of stunning imagery and inspo
what I’m cooking // anything and everything on the grill, including zuchini, fresh corn, shishito peppers and lots of chicken and fish, all seasoned with simple things like olive oil, fresh lemon and herbs, salt, pepper and occasionally some garlic. Also big salads. And trying my hand at DIY Perfect Bars. And, can’t forget about dessert! This new Ben & Jerry’s flavor just might be my new favorite thing ever!
what I’m drinking // Truly Seltzers {The passionfruit flavor is just so darn good!}, seltzer with a splash of campari, and Ranch Water {tequila or mezcal, lime juice, jalapeño, sparkling water} on repeat. And, of course, spinach protein smoothies every single morning {gotta get those greens in}!
what I’m burning // this delicious, summery candle, which truly smells like tomatoes picked fresh from the garden {trust me, I did a comparison with tomatoes I picked fresh from our garden} and comes in the cutest little container
what I’m shopping // anything and everything from this shop and this shop on Amazon {seriously though…is there an “add all to cart” button because everything is so, SO good!}
what I’m doing // organizing my closet, working on our garden, painting, making pottery, selecting rugs and lights for the home, testing out lots of new skincare products, re-watching New Girl {I swear, I don’t know how it’s possible, but I think it’s even funnier the second time around!}, FaceTime catch-ups, going to bed earlier, taking walking 10k steps a day, eating dessert, continuing to find ways to be involved + give back, writing down 5 things I’m grateful for every day
what simple things are you doing to add joy to your life this month?