1-Minute Coffee Cake In A Mug

1-Minute Coffee Cake In A Mug
You know those crisp, cool mornings where you're like "Oh man, this smoothie is just killing it this morning." Yeah, me either. I mean let's be real. No one wakes up on a 30 degree day and happily chugs down their ice-cold smoothie and thinks to themselves "Who needs a soft, buttery, warm, delicious baked good when you've got a smoothie?". Don't get me wrong, I love my smoothies, but living in a place where Fall and Winter exists, drinking a cold drink first thing in the morning isn't always easy to do. Sometimes I just want all of the muffin/scone/biscuit/cinnamon roll/coffee cake treats I can possibly have as soon as the seasons change. By sometimes, I of course mean all the time, so to prevent over-indulging, I try not to keep baked goods around the house during the week. But when you need a baked good, you NEED a baked good (I know you know what I'm talking about). This little coffee cake was born in one such time of need. It was an early morning, I had lots of work to do and no time to bake, but I just had to have something to go with my cup of coffee. Hello coffee cake in a mug! But wait, there's more. As in crunchy topping more (you know there couldn't be coffee cake without some buttery topping on there). Annnnnd, there's also a pumpkin version (because obviously everything needs pumpkin for fall). I don't know whether it's totally genius that I discovered this (Because, hello! Coffee cake whenever I want it!) or totally bad that I figured this recipe out (because coffee cake whenever I want it isn't so good for my waistline). Either way, I know you're going to thank me for making your weekdays taste a little better....
P.S. If you like this recipe, you'll also love my 5-minute berry cobbler in a mug!