Happy Hour

{A day at the farm}
If you don't like farms or farming or farm animals then a) what is wrong with you (baby farm animals are basically the cutest thing since forever)?! and b) you probably won't want to read today's post. Don't say I didn't warn you....
Unless you've been hiding out on Pluto, I'm sure you saw that the Mr. and I celebrated our anniversary on Monday. Anything to do with my guy has me full of smiles, but getting to celebrate our 2 year anniversary together made me seriously happy, hence why the focus of this week's happy hour is tidbits from our weekend. We kept things pretty local and low key, but we did go on a few day trips. One of our day trips happened to be to the Queens County Farm. Who knew you could see cows and city buildings in the same view?! The farm was full of animals, families with kids....and us, the couple celebrating their anniversary. I think we were more entertained by the chickens than all the kids were and Mr. RC couldn't stop taking pictures (of the chickens, not the kids). So just to summarize, we spent our anniversary with a bunch of farm animals and kids, acting like we were 5. It's totally cool. And hey, when you love someone, everything you do together is special and fun, right?!
P.S. Now we want to buy a farm, but until then....how do you think chickens would go over in our Brooklyn backyard?! No???! No??!
{Found a cotton plant on the farm, which was fitting since 2nd anniversary gifts are traditionally supposed to be cotton}
{Some of our favorite farm animals}
{The Buvette bike and a basket full of corks}
{Obligatory anniversary picture}
{Picture from our engagement session by Ian Holmes}