Happy Hour

{I know I live in NYC, but sometimes I can't help acting like a tourist and taking pictures of things like Grand Central}
It feels like the last couple weeks have been non-stop for us, between multiple road trips, dinner meetings, errands, and get-togethers with friends. Minus a broadway show (my first ever) tomorrow night, the Mr. and I are trying to staying as appointment free as possible this week. But since it's summertime we all know free time never lasts for long (is that the beach I hear calling??!).
Hope you're all having a great week, and, as always, I love hearing the little things that are currently making you happy.
{Our treat to help us get through one of our many recent road trips- a campfire cookie from Baked}
{Neon signs on the city streets}
{A day at the Bellmont races}