Thanksgiving Happy Hour

{Picture from our trip to Jasper, Alberta}
It's become somewhat of a tradition that the Happy Hour post before Thanksgiving is not so much a post about what is currently making me happy, but more so a post of gratefulness, thanksgiving and what's making me happy overall. Of course, I'm always grateful for my family, my friends, food on the table, a roof over my head, clothes on my back, my senses, all of you who read/comment/support RC and, most of all, my loving and ever-supportive husband. With each year that passes by, however, I find myself becoming more and more grateful for these simple things that I once took for granted. I mean, 8 years ago I would have been like "I'm thankful for sequin dresses from F21. I'm thankful for limo rides with my girlfriends while in Vegas. I'm thankful for Starbucks. I'm thankful for VS PINK sweatpants. #blessed". And now, all these years later (When did that happen?!), I'm over here deep in some serious adulting and, ya know, just being thankful for life. Like all of it. It's a pretty great thing. I mean, of course, I'm thankful for other things, like trips, or new shoes, or face masks, you know, silly little things. But life, man. It goes by fast and it can be gone so quick, and I think, this year, more than ever before, the thing I'm most thankful for is every day that I get to wake up and see a new day.
And on that note, I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you from the very deep bottom of my heart for all the love y'all send my way each and every day with every click, every page view, every comment, every follow, every share. It means the world to me, and I meant what I said above, that it is something I am beyond grateful for each and every day. I hope you all have the most blessed and thankful Thanksgiving full of life and love and gratefulness, not only for your Thanksgiving feast and time with loved ones, but just for life in general.
Cheers and I'll see you back here Monday morning (unless you subscribe to my newsletter, in which case I'll see you Friday for a special Black Friday email)!