Happy Hour

{Lobster roll lunch spot in Connecticut}
Do I want to be funny? Inspirational? How about motivational? Or maybe just plain informational? These are the thoughts that run through my head as I sit down to type out each week's Happy Hour post.........Who am I kidding?! That's a total lie. The thoughts that actually run through my head consist more of "I wish I had another one of those lobster rolls", "I would so much rather be back at the beach","What are you going to write Alyssa?", "I could go for a happy hour cocktail right now" "Alyssa! Focus! You need to write something!"...Ya, well this week's "something" is what you just read. Neither inspirational nor motivational, but as they say "That's all I've got for now kids".
{The start of our record collection}
{Some vintage finds from over the weekend}
{Unusually shaped squash...apparently this type is referred to as "Eight Ball"}
{Fabric to make new covers for our bedroom pillows}