Happy Hour

{The Staten Island Ferry (because you obviously couldn't tell)}
While my days are all different depending on what's going on, one thing that is always the same is my morning routine. I get up at 7 (ok, maybe 7:30) then spend some time journaling/praying/reading. During this time, I recently started reading Don't Sweat the Small Stuff (and it's all small stuff). The most recent chapter was about living in the present moment, learning to keep your attention on what is actually happening, not what has happened or what may happen. I couldn't help but smile, not because I'm actually good at living in the present (on the contrary, all that I do is constantly worry about what went wrong in the past and what can go wrong in the future), but because of these posts. Living in the present I may not be good at, but living in the present via a HH post, now that's something I can do!
How do you practice living in the present moment?
{Exploring Governor's Island}
{A sea of yellow beauties}
{A hawk we spotted on Governor's Island}
{Giving me homemade food is a guaranteed way to win me over so when I met up with a new blogger pal and she gave me some of her Sea Salt Caramel Banana Peach & Walnut Bread I knew instantly that we would be friends! Also, do yourself a favor and go make this instantly! It's amazing!}